Silicone Braided Hose Assemblies
Providing a safe and reliable method of high-pressure fluid transfer, braided silicone hose assemblies combine BioPure platinum-cured silicone hose fitted with biopharmaceutical grade stainless steel tri-clamp connections. Assemblies are made to custom lengths and are provided with a permanently crimped stainless steel tri-clamp style fittings. All hose assemblies are pressure tested to check and confirm hose integrity. These lightweight flexible hoses can be provided with optional laser marking on the stainless ferrule and/or FEP encapsulated tagging..
- Constructed from biopharmaceutical grade BioPure BPSHP high pressure silicone hose for critical bioprocess fluid transfer
- Lot traceable, USP Class VI with 316 stainless steel fittings and SF4 surface finish to meet validation and quality requirements
- Lightweight and flexible compared to wire reinforced or wire braided hose for ease of installation where space is limited
- ustom lengths and configuration with optional silicone encapsulated tagging to meet a wide range of applications with visible marking to indicate intended use
- Assemblies are pressure tested to ensure integrity and reliability
- Suitable for repeat autoclave and application in multi-use systems as well as single-use